Exfoliating Friction Mitt

1 – pkg

Choice of the Color: Pink, Purple, Yellow, Blue

SKU: N/A Category:

Exfoliating Friction Mitt


Removes dead skin cells from the bodies on a regular basis, removes toxins, get rid of dull rough, dry, flaky skin, improves overall complexion, blood circulation, muscle tone and oxygen supply.

The friction mitt reduces the appearance of cellulite and soothes sore muscles. With the help of friction massage you will minimize and in some cases even eliminate ingrown hair.

How To use:

Can be used before shower, gentle on dry skin as a start. In the shower or bathtub, wet your skin and the mitt. Apply soap or body wash on the mitt and massage your whole body in a circular motion, up towards the heart, Dry off and apply your favorite body moisturizer.

Choice of the Color: Pink, Purple, Yellow, Blue